What an intense and wild time to be alive. There is much conflict and division in our world, but as difficult as these times are, they are also exciting, invigorating, and abundant with possibility. People are speaking out and rising up. It’s inspiring, it’s hopeful, and—when so many lives are at stake—utterly necessary. As musician and poet Patti Smith says, “The people have the power” to unite, organize, and create real social change. Change that benefits everyone. Change that leads to liberation, to Oneness, to God. And that power is love. That is the revolution of the soul. But how can we harness that power? How do we awaken to love? How do we honor, as Allen Ginsberg said, all moments, beings, and experiences as holy? It begins with our own spiritual evolution. It begins by embracing the holiness in our own ever-evolving consciousness. I wrote Revolution of the Soul in part to inspire, and provide the tools for, anyone who desires to participate in creating a better world. My hope is that these pages will . . .